Free: Release Renew Revive: Unshackle Secret Shame, Ditch Self Sabotage, Rise into Your Personal Power

Life after sexual assault or domestic violence can feel very lonely. You are an amazing person and nobody else knows it. You continue to keep the secret and you continue to hide. It’s not your fault. If you share what happened to you, they may not believe you and they blame you for what happened. […]

Free: Life Changing Vision: Launch Direct Action, Realizing Necessary Elements, To Live Large

If you want to discover, explore, and master yourself, you need to use your insight and create a Life Changing Vision. The purpose of this book is to elevate business owners, entrepreneurs, and people who are underserved to believe they can thrive in their personal and professional lives. Through this “Life Changing Vision” people can […]

Free: Fully Charged: Plug Into Your 5 Charging Stations to Feel Alive, Guilt-Free and Unstoppable. Finally.

This book is for anyone who dreams about normal life. It is a reboot program to transform any crisis, including living during a pandemic, into the present and future success. It is energizing, very approachable, and full of practical tips. While confronting life and its challenges, you will realign yourself to move forward in five […]

Free: Programmed To Fail? Discover How To Unlock The Solution To Your Problems And Become A Winner In The Game Of Life

Have you ever thought how great it would be if you could have just about anything you wanted by simply imagining you already had it? When you learn to unlock and use your Subconscious Mind Power that’s pretty much how it happens. But will it work for you? If you have failed at getting the […]

The Ultimate Confidence Game: Defeat Anxiety In 6 Levels And Unlock Your Social Potential

What if I told you that you aren’t stuck in anxiety, that you can break out of it crazy fast? What if I told you that confidence is just a game, a real life game and that there are always higher levels of it? I was trapped in anxiety, shyness and depression for over a […]

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