Gaslighting Recovery Workbook: How to Recognize Manipulation, Overcome Narcissistic Abuse, Let Go, and Heal from Toxic Relationships

Have you ever been a victim of gaslighting? Do you ever see yourself in a circumstance where someone made you feel emotional or made to think that the things you believe to be accurate are your mind playing games on you? Is there anyone around you who continually makes you anxious, or leaves you feeling […]

Narcissism: Is Today’s Technology Playing a Part?

There is a lot of talk and interest centering around narcissism. When you hear the term narcissism, or someone labels a person as a narcissist, what images come to mind? What exactly is narcissism and what characterizes a person as one? What to do if diagnosed with Narcissist Personality Disorder. Narcissism: Is Today’s Technology Playing […]

Human Behavior Box Set

This book provides in-depth information about the mindsets behind arrogance, selfishness, narcissism, controlling personalities, codependency, and low self esteem. Learn how to stop taking orders from these personality types and create more healthy relationships. Also, if you’re looking to let go of unworthy or unhealthy relationships and regain self-confidence, self-worth and self-respect, this book will show you […]

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